These are the best pancakes. Ever since I discovered coconut kefir, I’ve been trying new and improved recipes. Because our children love waffles and pancakes, I tried to work in kefir just in pancakes. The kefir makes these pancakes incredibly fluffy. Try for yourself with this recipe.
- 300ml coconut kefir
- 150 g flour Schaer mix B
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspon baking soda
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoon of maple syrup
In the bowl mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda.
Whisk in keefir, eggs, and mix until combined.
Preheat the pancake pan over medium-high heat.
When the pan is hot, pour batter into pan and cook pancakes for 1 min on each side until golden.
Serve with maple syrup, fruit, or your favourite yogurt.